Self Care and Supporting Friends and Family
Visit the RPG Valkyries stream for “Self Care and Supporting Friends and Family” featuring Dr. Kelli Dunlap, Dr. B, and Dr. Rachel Kowert on Friday October 30th at 5:15pm EST!
Visit the RPG Valkyries stream for “Self Care and Supporting Friends and Family” featuring Dr. Kelli Dunlap, Dr. B, and Dr. Rachel Kowert on Friday October 30th at 5:15pm EST!
Dr. Rachel Kowert for “Tabletop Roleplay as a healthy outlet” as part of the RPG Valkyries stream on Thursday October 29th at 8:10pm EST!
Join Dr. B as he chats with the RPG Valkyries about The Psychology of Final Fantasy on Wednesday October 28th at 6:20pm EST!
Join Dr. Kelli Dunlap on October 27th at 7:50EST for a chat with the RPG Valkyries!
The RPG Valkyries will once again be doing Speedrun Ragnarok to benefit Take This! Members of the Take This team will be appearing on stream during Take This Discussion Segments…
Schedule TBD
During the course of PAX Online you can purchase you own Take This branded clothing!
We will be hosting a moderated Discord server that has been specifically designed to offer peer-based, non-therapeutic emotional support to attendees of PAX Online, which runs from September 12-20. We need…